(DoctorFarrah) – Have you heard about our “pineal gland”? It’s that pea-sized part of our brain, lodged in between the two hemispheres of our brain in the area called epithalamus. A vestige of early man’s primitive origins, the pineal gland is supposedly the “seat of the soul”, as well as essential to our overall well-being.
The pineal gland generates various hormones and chemicals that keep us healthy and functioning well. Melatonin is one such hormone that the pineal gland produces; it controls our body’s sleep and wake patterns.
The problem with our pineal gland is that it is not protected by the blood-brain barrier, which means it is very susceptible to toxins. Since it is responsible for the production of melatonin, it governs our circadian rhythms which are our body’s sleep and wake schedule. Since we need our pineal gland to regulate our body’s rhythms, we need to take care of it very well.
The problem is many people suffer from a calcified pineal gland. Usually, the gland calcifies from years of exposure to pesticides, radiation, additives in food, chemicals found in processed foods, and other toxins in the environment.
One of the biggest toxins in the environment which is the enemy of our pineal gland is “fluoride”.
Why is a “calcified” pineal gland a great danger to our health?
Fluoride consumption inhibits the pineal gland’s ability to generate melatonin which disrupts our sleep patterns and interrupts females’ puberty cycle. Various scientific research also indicated that fluoride deposits in the gland as people age leads to calcification.
What are the dangers of calcification of the pineal gland?
According to medical data, a calcified pineal gland may contribute to the onset of certain diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, insomnia, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, circadian dysregulation, stroke, hormonal imbalances, and sleep disorders.
That is why it’s so important to eliminate fluoride from our diet. However, that is easily said than done. Fluoride is just so prevalent in our everyday lives – from our tap water to toothpaste to infant formula, foods and drinks, and even Teflon-covered frying pans.
Boiling tap water from the faucet won’t help. What one needs is a reverse osmosis water filter to pass your water through that. Even the soups and complimentary water served in restaurants are questionable since most of them use fluoridated water.
Many drugs also contain fluoride. For example, Prozac which is an antidepressant has 30% fluoride in it, which means it has the capability of poisoning the pineal gland. In fact, studies using lab mice have shown that when the mice’s pineal glands are removed, they stop responding to Prozac.
So do as much as you can to remove fluoride as an ingredient from your diet and life. Replace your toothpaste with organic toothpaste, particularly with ingredients like organic coconut oil. Also, request your dentist not to give you fluoride gel treatments, especially with children.
Read all food labels carefully and stick to fresh, organic food whenever possible. Fluoride is most likely to show up in processed foods more often.
As for the detoxification of the pineal gland, it has been reported before that foods and supplements such as raw apple cider vinegar, garlic, oregano oil, and raw chocolate could help. And exposing yourself under the sun during the early mornings is good for the pineal gland as well.
Anything else you’d like to share regarding protecting and decalcifying your pineal gland, please indicate in the comments below.
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