From more than a decade, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has shown a pattern of terminating the details for their misconduct. Faked X-ray reports, forged retinal scans, phony lab tests, and secretly amputated limbs, were all done in the name of science when researchers thought that nobody’s watching.
That misconduct has been a common act for FDA. When they find scientific frauds, FDA doesn’t warn or even notify the public, the medical firms, or even the scientific community. The FDA has repeatedly concealing evidences of scientific fraud not just from the public but also from its trusted scientific advisers. An agency that was supposed to be devoted in protecting the public from bogus medical science seems to be the agency that spends awful effort in protecting the executioner of these scientific bogus from the public.
A so-called RECORD 4 study, one of the four large clinical trials of rivaroxaban (new anti-blood-clotting agent) involving thousands of patients, were used as evidences proving the safety and efficiency of the drug. The FDA had access to external audits of 16 of the RECORD 4 sites. However, this trial was a complete failure. According to Dr. Craig Loucks’ site, the FDA has falsified the data. Under FDA’S examination, 8 out of 16 from those sites were found as misconducts. Yet if you will check the medical journals, the results from RECORD 4 says no hint about falsifications. This means that, physicians all over the world are depending the life-and-death medical conditions of their patients on a study that FDA classifies as not credible.
Around March 2009, FDA summoned a committee of outside scientific experts to contemplate the robustness of the results of rivaroxaban trials. However, FDA released a memorandum dated three days prior to the formation of the committee that says about “falsification of data by a sub investigator” to one of the result sites without informing the committee.
FDA’s pledged purpose is to protect the public health and to ensure that all drugs on the market are absolutely safe and effective. Yet this government agency has shown and proven itself to keep medical personnels lied upon and uninformed about these incidents involving unreliable clinical trials. It’s not just a passive silence from FDA, but it is an active deception.
What can we do now? Let’s make ourselves aware, informed, and educated on things concerning our health. We can also let everyone know of this agency’s fraudulent activities so that other people, especially our love ones, can also be warned about their medicine use and food intake. More than anyone else, ourselves is our best protector.