As of July 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration has informed everyone that fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs can generally outweigh the benefits for those suffering from acute sinusitis, acute bronchitis, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI).
“Fluoroquinolones when used systemically (i.e. tablets, capsules, and injectable) are associated with disabling and potentially permanent serious side effects that can occur together. These side effects can involve the tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, and central nervous system” the FDA added.
Unfortunately, right before this warning has been publicized there was one patient who has been largely affected by the dreaded drug. Her name is Amy Moser. In an article she has personally written, she has distinguished some of the names of the drugs under the family of Fluoroquinolone which as Cipro, Levaquin, Avalox, and every generic name ending in “-quin”, “-oxacin”, and “-ox.”
In 2010, Amy took Cipro to treat her UTI but instead of healing, her life has become worse because of the supposed “cure.” Because of the antibiotic, she had multiple spontaneous tendon and ligament ruptures, spinal degeneration, widespread arthritis, multiple joint dislocations, and underwent TWENTY surgeries within the 7 years of her life. “They never were supposed to be given for common infections. They damage the body so seriously because they actually damage the mitochondrial DNA” says Amy.
With how fluoroquinolone has changed Amy’s course of life, she decided to expose what happened to her in order to save others from this killer drug. With her rigorous researches to find what else this drug can do to the human body, she also found out that fluoroquinolone can also cross the blood brain barrier. This can result to psychiatric events, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.
The damage that fluoroquinolone can do to the body is cumulative. The more you are exposed to the drug, the more it damages your body. “A hundred percent of people who take a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic, show changes in blood flow to the tendon, cartilage, and ligament in their bodies. Each person has a different breaking point depending on their own unique DNA. Some people fall apart or die after 1 pill” Amy added.
To give you more information regarding the adverse effects of fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs, here is a list Amy Moser has shared:
- Ciprofloxacin not only damages cartilage in children and young people, but also in adults
- Cipro causes serious arthropathies in adults
- Tendon damage and tears (and other musculoskeletal issues) can occur months after discontinuation of the medication
- For patients with Myasthenia gravis, the use of this medication can lead to death
- The medication can lead to myalgies which require emergency treatments
- Cipro can lead to lasting vision disorders
- Central nervous system disorders including suicide
- Heart ailments and arrhythmias
- Hypoglycemia and Diabetes
- Long-lasting problems of the gastrointestinal tract
- Serious kidney and u-tract problems, including kidney failure
- Liver failure even after a single dose of Cipro; damages to the gallbladder
- Cipro inhibits the very important liver enzyme CYP3A4
- Incidents of blood thinning and fatal bleeding
- Cipro given during pregnancy can cause either termination of pregnancy or deformities of the embryo
- Reproductive toxicity (reduction of sperms); Reduced fertility
- Cardiac death through Cipro
- Lesions of the aorta
- Life-threatening rhabdomyolysis
- Lethal Thrombocytopenia
- Multi Symptomatic Syndrome which leads to permanent handicap
- Retinal detachment with permanent vision loss
- Uveitis and Optic Neuritis.
- Fixed pharmaceutical reactions
- Guillain-Barré-Syndrome
- Von Willebrand-Syndrome
- Permanent hearing loss
- Systemic Lupus erythematodes
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
- Stomatitis
- Manic disorder
- Pancreatitis
- Toxic and fatal epidermal Necrolysis
- Fatal Vasculitis and frequency of vasculitis
- Gangrene which requires amputation
The effects of fluoroquinolone are irreversible. That is why the DFA has taken action requiring the drug labels and Medication Guides for all fluoroquinolone antibacterial drugs to be updated to reflect this new safety information.